Terms And Conditions

Agreement with Private Cab Service Providers/ Partners.

This agreement signifies the relationship of an independent contractor and not an employer-employee relationship. The PARTNER is not authorized and shall not represent AirportCabsNearMe or act on its behalf under any circumstances. Upon your successful registration on AirportCabsNearMe’s Despatch portal, AirportCabsNearMe team will conduct proper due diligence to its satisfaction and you will then be confirmed registered as a Partner with AirportCabsNearMe. The parties to the said agreement shall be: UTILITIES SOLUTIONS LIMITED having its registered office at Business Plus, 390 London Road, Mitcham, England, CR4 4EA Constants & PARTNER having the registered office as provided during registration on AirportCabsNearMe’s Registration Portal. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS-

    • PARTNER agrees that AirportCabsNearMe, on behalf of PARTNER, may produce the quotes.
    • PARTNER further agrees that upon receipt of fare from the customer, AirportCabsNearMe will be entitled to deduct the commission from it and remit the balance to PARTNER.
    • AirportCabsNearMe may provide the estimated fare of the trip to the customer which will bear all toll and traffic congestion charges that are expected to be incurred during the trip. The distance may be derived from the commonly available mapping resources or applications.
    • PARTNER will carry out all trips for which the quote is selected provided subject to an advance notice of a minimum of 60 minutes before the agreed time.
    • PARTNER shall make clear its Fleet that is vehicles’ availability and related passenger capacity to AirportCabsNearMe via the Despatch portal of AirportCabsNearMe and will keep such information up-to-date.
    • AirportCabsNearMe may, at its own discretion, make any refunds of Card payments by the customer where it considers it appropriate in case PARTNER has not fulfilled the customer’s requirements and may deduct such sum from any amount otherwise due to the PARTNER.
    • PARTNER shall not be entitled to any payment in respect of booking where it fails to turn up at the Agreed Pick-Up Point within 15 minutes of the Agreed Time.
    • At the end of every trip, customer will be asked to give a rating (upto 5 stars) to the services to PARTNER. PARTNER agrees to maintain a minimum rating of 3 stars.
    • AirportCabsNearMe is not responsible for the behaviour, actions or inactions of drivers of cabs / taxis which a customer may use. Any contract for the provision of cab/taxi services is between PARTNER and the customer and AirportCabsNearMe simply provides a platform to introduce PARTNER and passengers.
    • PARTNER affirms that the personal data of the customers shall not be disclosed to third parties or used for any purpose unrelated to the provision of the services pursuant hereto. Further, PARTNER will not use this data to make any direct solicitation for the customer’s future business. If AirportCabsNearMe founds that the cab PARTNER has allocated the confirmed booking to any other third party or company without AirportCabsNearMe consent and the cab PARTNER acting as a Agent than a cab company, AirportCabsNearMe has a right to fines the cab opertor for each booking.
    • If PARTNER’s quote is selected by any customer, AirportCabsNearMe will notify PARTNER by email and the Despatch portal.
    • PARTNER agrees that you will refrain from doing anything which is reasonably believed to be disreputable or capable of damaging AirportCabsNearMe’s reputation.
    • Any booking made by the customer may also be subject to the PARTNER’s Terms & Conditions, although where there is any conflict between the PARTNER’s Terms & Conditions and AirportCabsNearMe’s provisions, the provisions as per AirportCabsNearMe’s Terms & Conditions shall prevail.
    • If you wish to impose your own Terms & Conditions on the customers, you shall be responsible for achieving this.
    • In respect of the bookings that are to be pre-paid by Card, AirportCabsNearMe is entitled to collect all fares due for the booked Trip from the customers acting entirely in its own right, and settle all card costs of the booked trip in advance of making the payment due to PARTNER for the booked trip.
    • PARTNER acknowledges that in the fulfillment of the booking, where the PARTNER feels it is appropriate, the PARTNER gives AirportCabsNearMe the right to reallocate the contract for the provision of transport services between PARTNER and the customer to another suitable party, to ensure the fulfillment of booking is effected via AirportCabsNearMe’s website or application.
    • If booking is made with the advance payment by Card, PARTNER agrees that AirportCabsNearMe is entitled to collect all fares and related charges, settle all card charges for the trip after deduction of the of the commission and related charges to the PARTNER.
    • Payment by the customer will not cover any extra requirements you request, such as child seats. If the customer does not indicate any additional luggage when booking, resulting in a larger size vehicle being required, then the PARTNER may charge the customer extra, which the customer must pay PARTNER directly for.
    • The booking confirmation generates a unique booking reference identification which shall be mentioned during any future communications related to the particular trip.
    • For each calendar week (Friday 6:00am to Friday 5:59am), AirportCabsNearMe will calculate the total fare after deduction of commission it owes PARTNER for such trips where the customer has paid by Card or otherwise. AirportCabsNearMe will generate and send the weekly invoice on immediately next day (Saturday) and will pay any resulting fares that it owes PARTNER into the designated bank account by Thursday following the week during which invoice is sent.
    • AirportCabsNearMe collects all receipts from customers as agents only of each PARTNER (except for AirportCabsNearMe’s Commission and any other fees). All payments made to PARTNER are the full receipt from the customer for the supply of the PARTNER's services, with Commissions charged only on AirportCabsNearMe’s commission.
    • The commission due to AirportCabsNearMe in respect of any booking will be 12%.
    • If the customer decides to cancel a booking, AirportCabsNearMe will notify PARTNER by email to the email address submitted by the PARTNER on the AirportCabsNearMe’s Despatch portal.
    • In the event of cancellation of a booking, up to 30 minutes (unless otherwise specified on the confirmation page and your booking confirmation email) before the agreed time, the customer will be entitled to a full refund of the fare (excluding any card costs, if paying by card or otherwise). Where the cancellation is less than 30 minutes (unless otherwise specified on the confirmation page and your booking confirmation email) before the agreed time, no refund will be due to the customer.
    • In the event that the PARTNER does not turn up at the agreed pick-up point within 15 minutes of the agreed time - or within 30 minutes if the pick-up point is an airport - and the customer does not use the PARTNER for the trip, a penalty of £10 shall be levied. However, in case, at customer’s own discretion, the customer decides to continue with the trip where the PARTNER turns up after 15 minutes from the agreed time, a penalty of £5 may be leviable. In the event of unfulfilled booking where the PARTNER/driver marks the booking as completed, PARTNER will be subject to a penalty fee of £20.
    • In the event that the customer is not available at the agreed pick-up point within 15 minutes of the agreed time, it will be at the PARTNER's discretion to treat such non-availability as a cancellation, and the customer will not be entitled to any refund of the fare, and any card costs that may have been paid in advance. Where the PARTNER decides to wait more than 15 minutes from the agreed time, then the customer may be subject to additional charges by the PARTNER in respect of any additional waiting time and/or parking charges and will make such payment directly to the PARTNER.
    • Where a PARTNER is unable or unwilling or unresponsive to fulfill a booking allocated to it, PARTNER agrees that AirportCabsNearMe has the right to find an alternative licensed Cab Service PARTNER to fulfill the booking and that AirportCabsNearMe can charge, at its absolute discretion, PARTNER a penalty fee of £10. PARTNER shall be liable for any consequential costs related to the fulfillment of such bookings.
    • PARTNER agrees to undertake at all times to have in place adequate insurance to cover any damage, loss or injury that may be sustained by any customer or Goods or in the course of a trip, and as required for compliance with the relevant Licensing Authorities in England and Wales.
    • PARTNER further undertakes to inform AirportCabsNearMe immediately if it the license issued to it by the Licensing Authority lapses or is cancelled or materially modified.
    • PARTNER hereby warrants to AirportCabsNearMe that it and its drivers are and will throughout the course of this Agreement be licensed by the appropriate Licensing Authority(ies).
    • PARTNER hereby undertakes to comply with data protection legislation in force in the United Kingdom at all times during the course of this Agreement.
    • Neither AirportCabsNearMe nor the PARTNER is responsible to the customer for, or insured in respect of, any damage or loss that may be sustained by the goods in the course of a trip and it is customer’s exclusive responsibility to have such goods insured in respect of such damage or loss.
    • AirportCabsNearMe shall not be liable for any delays in pick-up or drop-off times or for any failure of the PARTNER to arrive at all or for any failure of the PARTNER to provide its services in accordance with customer’s requirements or expectations.
    • Subject to as expressly provided in these terms, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded as far as legally possible.
    • AirportCabsNearMe shall not, in any event, be liable (whether in contract or otherwise) for any indirect loss or consequential loss or loss of revenue, howsoever arising, suffered by the customer in connection with any failure by the PARTNER or otherwise in connection with these terms or otherwise and if the customer considers that customer has any claim in respect of any failure by the PARTNER, any such claim shall lie directly against the PARTNER.
    • PARTNER hereby agrees to indemnify AirportCabsNearMe and hold AirportCabsNearMe wholly harmless in respect of any claim, damages, losses or liability arising from PARTNER's or its drivers' actions or omissions in relation to any customer or Goods.
    • The PARTNER reserves the right within its reasonable discretion to terminate the trip, if customer’s conduct or behaviour is disruptive in any way and/or affects customer’s safety or that of the driver of the vehicle. Neither AirportCabsNearMe nor the PARTNER accepts liability for any extra costs incurred by the customer as a result of the PARTNER doing so.
    • The PARTNER further reserves the right to refuse carriage to any person who is thought/suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    • The PARTNER shall not undertake the carriage or delivery of: Money or securities, antiques, precious metals, furs, or jewellery or value, any goods or property (of whatsoever nature) at his sole discretion; any goods or property of a hazardous, dangerous, inflammable, explosive or noxious nature, or are illegal to possess under existing English Law, and/or any goods or property (of whatsoever nature) which may deteriorate in transit.
    • PARTNER shall not in any event be liable directly or indirectly for: consequential loss (whether for loss of profit or otherwise) and/or loss, damage and/or breakage to any fragile items whatsoever whether arising from the acts, omissions or negligence of the cab service provider and/or its employees and/or agents or arising otherwise howsoever.
    • PARTNER shall not be liable for any loss and/or damage arising directly or indirectly from: breakdown, accident, or adverse weather conditions; any act or omission on the part of the Customer; any clause, act or circumstance beyond the control of the PARTNER including, without limitation, any strike (official or not), lock-out or other form of industrial action or labour dispute, governmental regulations, legal restrictions, embargoes, fire, flood, Act of God, any consequence of riot, war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, acts of terrorism, rebellion, military or usurped power, confiscation, requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or upon the order of or in the name of any Government or public local authority, or other conditions amounting to force majeure).
    • If AirportCabsNearMe sends a customer complaint to PARTNER and PARTNER fails to confirm within 24 hours on email to AirportCabsNearMe that they are investigating this complaint, then AirportCabsNearMe can, at its discretion, deduct a penalty fee of £10 from any outstanding payment due to the PARTNER.
    • If PARTNER is instructed by AirportCabsNearMe that the customer has paid for a trip in advance by card, yet PARTNER demands customer to pay for the fare in cash, then AirportCabsNearMe may, at its discretion, deduct a penalty fee of £10 from any outstanding payment due to the PARTNER.
    • If the customer has a dispute with the PARTNER, AirportCabsNearMe will not be liable for any claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of any kind and nature arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.
    • PARTNER will maintain the confidentiality of personal data collected for the purpose of the trips. This data will not be shared with third parties. AirportCabsNearMe may amend this privacy policy, and will make such changes public via the website and/or application.
    • These terms shall form the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any previous agreement and (save so far as expressly preserved hereby) representations (oral or otherwise) made by either of the parties. PARTNER warrants that PARTNER has not relied on any representation made by AirportCabsNearMe in entering into this agreement.
    • All notices to AirportCabsNearMe shall be given by PARTNER in writing to info@airporttaxiscabs.co.uk.
    • All notices to PARTNER shall be given in writing to the email address PARTNER have provided as part of the registration details or any express changes notified thereafter. All notices may be served by email and shall be deemed to have been given 1 hour after transmission thereof.
    • These terms and your agreement with AirportCabsNearMe shall be governed and construed in accordance with English Law. You irrevocably agree for the exclusive benefit of AirportCabsNearMe to submit any dispute hereunder to the jurisdiction of the courts of England but nothing herein shall prevent AirportCabsNearMe from taking proceedings against you in any other court of competent jurisdiction.
    • If the Website contains links to any other site(s) and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your convenience only. AirportCabsNearMe has no control over the contents of those sites or resources, and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If you decide to access any of the third party websites linked to this website, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such websites.
    • We do not store or intend to store any financial details (credit or debit card numbers) on our system.
    • AirportCabsNearMe takes appropriate measures to safeguard the information it holds from unauthorized access or improper use. Our database is stored in a secured and protected location. Only users authorized by AirportCabsNearMe are allowed access to this data.